On Sunday, September 29, 2013 at nine p.m. Eastern Standard Time, AMC aired the final episode of Breaking Bad. This final episode aired over a year ago, and I'm still not over it. For over six years Breaking Bad's audience has been following the journey of Walter White and his transformation from a struggling cancer patient and Chemistry teacher to a multi-millionaire methamphetamine kingpin whose high quality "blue meth" has made him one of the most feared and world renowned drug lords of all time. The final episode brought about mixed emotions for its faithful viewers—anxiety, excitement, fear, and of course, sadness to see such an iconic show come to a close—all seemed to be the norm for those who planned to tune in to its final episode. Breaking Bad's creator Vince Gilligan wanted to ensure that all aspects of the show were brought to a clear and concise end and that his audience would not be left with open-ended situations and unanswered questions. Gilligan certainly did not disappoint. He was able to tie in every minor detail from the pilot to the finale effortlessly and flawlessly, bringing this epic journey to a beautiful and resonating close.

That is exactly what Breaking Bad is in itself: a journey. It is easy to become emotionally invested in the lives of Vince Gilligan's characters because the way they react to and deal with the situations set before them is so human and so real. These situations have a permanent and lasting effect on these characters. No character is the same person they were when the series began. They are all multilayered and deeply complex individuals who have grown and changed as each season has come and gone. Some characters had absolutely nothing to lose but still had everything taken from them. Others had everything to lose and had no control over when and how they would experience such loss. Regardless of where each person stood in their life at the start of the series, they were all miles away from who they used to be by the series' end.

Breaking Bad is also not a show for those who are faint of heart. It is a high-intensity action thriller, but it is not void of emotion and depth. Each season brings about new elements of conflict and resolution as the show's protagonist (if one can really call him that) sinks deeper and deeper into a life of immorality and lies. Breaking Bad depicts the quintessential "antihero": Walter White (Bryan Cranston). His ability to survive despite all obstacles is nothing short of extraordinary. His intelligence and ingenuity is almost super-human. Throughout the course of the show, Walt says and does some terribly despicable things, but at the end of the day, the audience is somehow still rooting for him to succeed. Despite Walt's self-sufficiency, he would not have reached such success without the assistance of Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul).

Jesse Pinkman is a former student of Walter White's. Without him, Walt would never have been able to break into the meth business. Jesse is the one with the street cred and connections to the inner workings of the drug ring in Albuquerque, the show's setting. Jesse is one of the show's most lovable,heartbreaking, and most quotable characters. This young kid, with so much life ahead of him, comes face to face with death more times than any human being ever should. He is the embodiment of perseverance and it is almost impossible to not be on his side.

For those of you who have never seen an episode of Breaking Bad, you are doing yourself a great disservice. It is a show that is exciting, well-written, and brilliantly performed by all those involved. I will not go into further detail about the show's plot for fear of spoiling it for others who have not yet experienced what it is like to watch Breaking Bad. I can only hope that I have convinced maybe one or two people to sit down and buckle up for one of the best shows—if not the best show—in television history.

View the Breaking Bad Trailer

Alyssa Reape is a senior English major with a minor in Theater and Writing. She loves coffee, cardigans, her dog, Koda, and pink lipstick.